I was not sure how I would
get radioactive, but I was sure I wouldn't like it. My stomach was in knots during the 2 hour drive to Montrose. I was starving and bought a bagel sandwich but was never able to tolorate more than a couple bites. I am not that afraid of needles but when it comes to sticking them into an organ, spine, face or neck, then I am. Arms are meant for needles, buttocks are meant for needles. I was not sure if it was going to be my neck or my arm and I was pulling for the latter. When I finally got escorted to Nuclear Medicine and my escort was seriously wondering if I would get a
radioactive sticker to wear the rest of the day, I was sure I was in some movie. A few minutes in the waiting room and I was whisked away down another hall towards a door with a large "
RADIOACTIVE" sign on it. I knew that door was for me and then I started wondering if they WERE going to make me wear a sticker. Behind the door was a very normal, sterile room with lots of huge scanners and contraptions. Before me was a surgical type tray, laden with the blue sterile paper. I started looking for the needle that wasn't there and I honestly don't remember what else was on the tray. My eyes were searching for only one thing. And as he was talking about something, my eyes fixed on a large, solid cylinder that resembled the bullet proof glass/plastic windows found at a bank. There was something in the middle of it. Next thing I know he headed towards me with what I can only imagine was a protective cylinder that was only protecting him. I was going to have whatever was in that container coursing through my veins. Well in turned out it went through my stomach first. They were only pills.
Radioactive pills nonetheless. I don't know if I let out a sigh of relief or not, but relief flooded my body. PILLS!! I can take a pill and come back in 6 hours. I could eat anything I wanted, do whatever I wanted for 6 hours WITHOUT a sticker. I am not sure if Wal-mart would have let me in if I had that sticker. I had a wonderful day shopping in stores I had never seen, eating a 2 hour meal just me and my magazine! The scan I wan't worried about. When I arrived at 5:00 that evening for my scan, I was wondering what the big deal was about the MRIs and such. You just lie there and stay still. So he lays me on the table and says, "I'm not going to smoosh you in here, just get close. He lowers this large panel close to my face and chest. "Not too bad" I was thinking, I have like a foot of wiggle room. He gets it all in place and then says, "ok we are going to start the scan." The panel starts closing in and the next thing I know, it is about an inch away from my face. It wasn't touching me but I stupidly started wondering what people panic about. The machine falling on me? A fire and not being able to squeeze out of there? Ok, Now my blood pressure is starting to rise. What if I DID need to get out of there quick? So I closed my eyes and fell asleep for the next 15 minutes. That was much better. I ended up
not establishing an irrational fear that day (not that those of you who fear those types of things are crazy, I almost had myself there). The next morning I did a second scan in which I closed my eyes imediately and took another nap. Then I got blood drawn and I was on my way. That was so simple and I got a mini vacation. Later in the afternoon, all of my tests came back normal. No thyroid cancer and all my bloodwork was normal. I still don't feel normal so we still need to explore some other possiblilities. So please continue to pray for me and the doctors. I am exhausted among many other things. But for now my only question is, am I still
glowing inside?